Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Way TaHURPH H-Hold the UMPPT Line HRRRKEvangelicals!

My favorite thought experiment in this vein is to wonder how most religious Americans would react to news that U.S. troops had cornered Bin Laden in some outhouse in Afghanistan and beat him to death with their rifle butts. Religiously, that sort of brutality isn’t something Christians (or at least Catholics) should be celebrating, but morally, I suspect most of them would find it oh so sweet. And rightly so.

Now wait a minnit. Nobody's going to wuss out and cry over Bin Laden in the first place so the language is suspect. Second humans are born into this world for the express purpose of sin offering to the Holy Spirit so if He wants someone to answer for something it's not their call.

Would Jesus make them answer for the killing of Bin Laden? Maybe but only if UBL ran out of the cave waving the Bible speaking English proclaiming his guilt and puts up a world-breaking reason for this public trial. But if this situation is in a cave the troops don't need to take the chance of bursting their eardrums with gunfire anyway. We need another great conservative president somehow.

Seems only evangelicals try as hard as they do to internalize faith like they're known to do and shown on those charts. Yeah let's see them big city catholics move out to the heartland and solve world hunger with practical work ethic. Too drunk wrestling in the pasture over their own common bull sense. Send the evangelicals up to the city and watch as those winding streets are repaved in the image of perfect wheat fields even with enough room between buildings for foliage to blow in the wind.

So evangelicals have to fight everybody and save the country the easy way? This land is our spoils for waging spiritual warfare. First we'll pave Earth, then we'll pave Mars.


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