Sunday, November 8, 2009

Liberalism Leads Muslim Terror

What I find fascinating about the endless stream of Muslim terror plotters who populate these islands — that little bunch of guys on monkey bars Michael Moore says are the sum total with whom we need concern ourselves! — is that most are British-born.

Phyllis Chesler laments the fact that the brave report by Douglas Murray’s Centre for Social Cohesion about the danger of the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain has received little attention.

Indeed, the amount of airtime devoted to the crimes of Israel far exceeds that about the dangers inside our own shores of ruthless, hateful fifth-columnists who wish to kill and maim their own fellow British citizens. It was reported in September in the Daily Telegraph that the ringleader of the liquid plot, Rashid Rauf, roams free in Britain because a jury determined there was “insufficient evidence” to charge him. As you read this he is planning something new. Nice.

Just days after the October 6 Moore-Hannity interview, two men who worked at the Swiss nuclear CERN lab (European Organization for Nuclear Research) were arrested in France and charged with links to al-Qaeda.

“They should be focused like a laser on jobs, not acting like a manure-spreader in a wind storm,” Pawlenty told Iowa Republicans gathered in an exhibition hall at the state fairgrounds, criticizing Democrats for their efforts on healthcare and energy.

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