Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What was the Sacrifice?

Do you see? I won the battle between good and evil by paying, in full, with my body, any and all karmic debt that might ever be incurred by anyone doing evil.

You might owe the phone company, the electric company, the credit card company, and your landlord. But you don’t owe me, or the world, anything. I’ve already totaled you out.
I’ve already atoned for your sins.

Which means that you and I, forever, are copacetic.


Main Entry: co·pa·cet·ic
Variant(s): also co·pa·set·ic or co·pe·set·ic \ˌkō-pə-ˈse-tik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1919
: very satisfactory

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