The Left Can't Win with the Truth
They do it to control clueless people, clueless peons who don't know better, who can't take care of themselves, who don't know what they want and can't be trusted with money in their own dirty little hands, people the ruling class don't know and don't care to know, bitter clingers, as a grossly under qualified, unaccomplished editor of the Harvard Law Review once called them. By the way, he's now president.
And yet these brilliant micromanagers have to make up facts, they have to engage in false accusations. They have to make promises they don't intend to keep with money they don't have in order to get their way. They have disclosed national security secrets. They have promoted accusations that went on for the longest time, re: Valerie Plame, that were not true.
They have trashed people who are genuinely effective but who frighten them. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby. Me. Well, of course me. You can throw me in in all of this. And the reality boils down to this. These elites, be they the apparatchiks or the nomenclatura, they cannot win on facts. Their ideas do not prevail. They are a ruling minority.
They rely on lies, union thug enforcers, ACORN crooks, propaganda, they rely on voter fraud. We will see if that's enough going forward. We will see if it's enough. The evidence is in that it's not enough, the evidence is clear they are not fooling a majority of people issue by issue by issue. We'll see soon enough if they are succeeding in all of the sabotage and subterfuge.
We shall see very soon.
Hating Rush Limbaugh
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