Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nobody Expects the Inquisition!

Terror auctions, the new American slavery...I'd sure feel safer if some people were in jail or at least unable to influence policy.

“I’m so glad that I saw Rachel Maddow. She’s brilliant. She’s absolutely fantastic. And her diagnosis of the ills of the American right are so right on. I mean, basically, what you’re doing is just saying no. You’re like belligerent children. You have no concept of how hard people have worked to get this together, and to make sure that we win. We WILL win, and will continue. That’s why Obama got elected.”

Holy frak that's like the hottest voice I ever heard used for real life torment. Maybe she'd like to know what getting slapped with a Bible feels like.

Sounds pretty threatening to me...but will Rachel condemn this? Maybe a word about that on tomorrow’s show to condemn the hatred of fellow human beings? I won’t hold my breath.

Yeah right, I bet those lezbo terrorists caught Madcow by


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