Thursday, March 4, 2010

Liberals Zombie-Love on More Liberals

I am not joking. If you see symptoms of me frothing, twitching, or ranting until my eyeballs pop out and roll across the floor – I want you to hack me to pieces with a hatchet. Try to make it quick. And if you disagree with me, you’re a homophobic racist tea-partying baby-eater.

None of these characters are strongly conservative or down in the polls anyway so let'em have their multimedia hissy fit.

Social justice mobsters attack police, smash windows over tuition hikes It’s left-wing nutballs who always get a pass from the NYTimes columnists and MSNBC loudmouths who’ve been blaming every violent outburst on the planet on the Tea Party movement.

The age-old conflict that roils the establishment GOP.

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