Saturday, July 4, 2009

Live Obama or Die

The abruptness of her announcement and the mystery surrounding her plans has fed widespread speculation. But Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims.

"To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation," Van Flein said in a statement. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."

Shannyn Moore's blog is as apathetic as arguing with mexicans after they put hits out on your family. Baseless and gutless apathy. Get a job homegirl. Be more like Governor Palin and embrace the suck! Now put a hit on me why dontchya?

If Shannyn's that good at dissing Sarah Palin I'd like to know what she really thinks of the security guard who was killed in the Holocaust Museum shooting. Ya never know, if they're that good maybe Moore's government contacts had some dirt on da guy.

But of course nobody talks to me because they're scared of me.

I'm just a simple man trying my best to be apathetic.

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