Sunday, June 14, 2009


For the first time, we actually see him break down and cry. Imagine your entire life's work. You're on your deathbed. You know there's nothing else you can do and here's how you'll be remembered: as a killer, as a murderer. Not as someone who helped people. Not as someone who changed lives. Someone who took away lives. The one thing he didn't want to be and, as he's on his deathbed, he's realizing this.

Yeah O'Reilly nails it. You see the problem with the left is that they're fracking bloodthirsty Ba'al worshipers shoving bear traps over your head. That's a game I refuse to watch because eventually it wears you down.

Talk about a mindfrack. The left celebrates the moral dilemma which inspires slackers everywhere with the anti-Christian ideology that no one can appreciate life until they themselves have taken a life.

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