Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ya Wanna Cup of Jawa Juice?

Chavez announces new discount 'socialist' stores
President Hugo Chavez on Tuesday announced a new chain of government-run, cut-rate retail stores that will sell everything from food to cars to clothing from places such as China, Argentina and Bolivia.

Execute order 66:

"We're creating Comerso, meaning Socialist Corporation of Markets," Chavez said at the opening of a "socialist" fast-food location for traditional Venezuelan arepas (cornbread).

Keep a sharp eye out for foreign objects...

"They'll see what's good. We'll show them what a real market is all about, not those speculative, money-grubbing markets, but a market for the people," said Chavez in his drive to change Venezuela from a market-based economy to a socialist one.

"We're going to challenge all that junk food that just fattens people up," he added referring to the arepa stand he opened to the public.

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