Thursday, September 10, 2009

Freedom National; Slavery Sectional

RUSH: President Barack Obama gave a grossly inappropriate and, to me, embarrassing speech, a campaign speech disguised as a big speech to a joint session of Congress. It was grossly inappropriate in content. There were lies, falsehoods, distortions, it was embarrassing in tone. He called his critics liars when his own positions have been proven to be untrue. It's just like this CNN poll. That speech last night was a fraud. It was dishonest. It demeaned the office of the presidency.

"even after Wilson has apologized, and I wish he had not, but he's apologized and even after he's apologized, members of his own party are all over television denigrating him "

Remember Charles Sumner who in 1856 was handed a viscous beating and nearly killed by Democrat Preston Brooks after Sumner delivered a powerful abolitionist speech to the Senate. Joe Wilson may have had this in mind as he spoke up and that's why he apologized. Though I'm with Rush and wish he didn't have to apologize because this government has transitioned into a tyranny and no Socialist Democrat will ever receive such an apology from me.

The only reason Democrats and many squishy Republicans think they can get away with scalding Joe Wilson on TV is because the state-run media has had a two-month head start astroturfing Teaparties as a radical threat secretly enabling schemes against Obama Glorious Life.

Whatever comes next we need leaders in place with the guts to oppose Democrats and moderates.

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