Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jawa Report lulz

Iraq Takes Control of Green Zone From U.S.

Honestly, Now I know how a Stormtrooper feels when he is ordered to break up a bar fight in Tattooine. At first when he signed up he thought he'd be raiding rebel bases or watching Planets get destroyed; instead he is dealing with a bunch of pissed off locals in the middle of the asshole end of the empire while some f*cking muppet band plays a tune that is stuck in your head to the point that you will smack yourself with the claw of a hammer until the music stops.

I would make a crack about all the fat windowlickers on the death star getting fat on starbucks or what ever the hell they ate when they should have been covering a hole no larger that a whomp rat. They deserved to get blasted to hell. The second time too, (Except for the subcontractors that were installing toliet mains and what not).

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