Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Racism as Idolatry

GLENN: Here's the thing. I'm so sick of hearing about this race thing. Have you noticed that it is that they are not pointing out things that disagree with their thesis here. For instance, in your own personal identity do you think of yourself as a member of your race first or an American first? I'm agriculture American.


You ask me do I consider myself Christian first or an American first? I'm going to say Christian first and here's why. I say a Christian first because my Christianity, my faith actually builds my faith in this country. My faith in God actually builds the faith in our founding and our founding documents. In my faith, one of our articles of faith is obey the laws of the land. My faith makes me a stronger citizen.

My race means nothing. What does your race mean? You think of, "I'm a white person first." What kind of racism would that be? "I'm a white person, you're darn right. Then I'm American." 4% of whites think of themselves, their race before their country. 45% of African Americans think of their race first. Americans first, 91% of whites, 46% of blacks. Do you have more in common with the people of the same class as you or with the people of the same race? Isn't this a quintessential racist question?

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